Monday, February 23, 2009

Why Does Racism Exist

The reason why racism exsits because some people pick on other people about there skin color,how tall,or short,fat,skinny,there gender,there hair color what there haior looks like or they also insult you on you intellgence level and how smart you are.

The definition of race is that the belief that race accounts for differeances in human character or ability and that a particular is very supieror to others. Or you discrimination or prejudice on race. I think that means just what i said in the first paragaph. no matter where you go your always going to be talked about weather your black,white,blue,red it dosnt matter what color skin what color hair etc..

I think that racism it also exsits because people have insurcuities about themselevs so they talk about or hat on some one else to make themselves feel better.