Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts On Somebody Should Have Told Him

My thoughts on the poem somebody should have told him are very strong because she did what her mother told her and that’s was to not drink. But because some one else decide to not be responsible she had to lose her life because of a drunk driver. She was on her way home thinking that she would get home the same way she got to the birthday party which was safe and not intoxicated. She felt as thou somebody should have taught him about drinking and driving. She was proud of herself. I was proud of her for not drinking and driving. But all because somebody else in another car decides to get intoxicated and drive she lost her life.She was probly a very intelligent young lady who was probably a straight a student and she probably had big dreams to but they are all gone.

When you hear something like this it makes you wonder what if that was you or a love one that was hit by a drunk driver. What would you do in a situation like that? One bad decision can mess up a person life or even kill a person.

When you hear something like this in the news it makes you feel bad. Why does it make you feel so bad? Maybe it could have happened to you or maybe you were in that type of situation before. If that was my friend who got really drunk if I’m not able to take this person home I’ll find a way to get that person home because its not fair to other families that there child,cousin,niece,nephew or something like that has to suffer or even be put in coma for a bad mistake a person made.

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