Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What inspires courage?

I believe what inspires the most is what you feel and how your feeling at that specific moment while placing those feelings into actions. You can inspire courage in many different ways like being yourself, helping others out when they need it, or giving advice to make someone feel better about themselves, or thinking before making hasty decisions. Some people play follow the leader instead of being themselves around others, you can inspire courage by doing what’s right. Courage is taking steps thru out life or making mistakes and being able and taking time out to learn and teach others about the same mistakes you’ve made so they won’t make the same mistakes. Inspiring courage means to have strength, being able to deal with certain struggles. Inspiring courage is speaking up and speaking correct when no one else is. Determination is inspiring courage; courage is being dedicated trying to better you. Courage means the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, and pain etc. without fear. But with bravery. Courage starts within yourself, and taking responsibility of your actions instead of blaming everything on others or acting as if you’re never in the wrong. Inspiring courage means putting aside fears just to help someone achieve their goals, and helping them reach success in life. What inspires courage to me means to keep going when all you want to do is give up, when all you want to do is just say forget it because you can handle it. What inspires courage to me is pushing yourself even when you feel as though you can’t do it, pushing others believing in others, what inspires courage is trust. Now people in my generation have trust issues. Most people don’t believe in trusting due to the fact that they’ve been lied to so many times, hurt in so many ways that they don’t believe they can trust anybody. Now for example me trusting someone who one of my friends are having a problem with trusting I may inspire my friend to have the courage enough to trust and or believe that they won’t get hurt. Inspiring courage is taking a stand being able to be your own person and believe when no one else has the courage to believe. That’s what I think inspires courage the most.

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