Monday, May 18, 2009

How am I a reflection of my relationship?

How am I a reflection of my relationship
I am a reflection of my relationship because I think that people look at you for examples. MY relationship’s with my friends make me happy. I think that sometimes my attitude can getin the way of my feelings if im mad or irritated and I know that I need to try and control my anger because it makes people upset with me because I become stubborn. My relationship with my friends and my family members and ever my teachers are important because the better the relationship between you to the more that you can talk to them and you can depend on them for help or something of that sort. Realationships are important to me because I like talking to people and helping people. Therefore I like for people to trust me and help me when o need help and want to talk. I understand that people can’t be there all the time but when they have the time to talk to you I think that’s a good thing its specially a good thing if they drop what they are doing to come see about you wither you are sick or they just want to come talk to you about whatever’s on their mind so I think relationships are good.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is my Responsibility?

i think that my responsibility to society would be to contribute something. I also think it would be making it to go to college and doing what i want to do as in my career. My responsibility's is to be me never be something that I'm not. Reach for the stars as in reaching for my grades do my best to help with things in my community. Like to help my community clean up help it look better, help the elderly with groceries. And if i see some one doing something that's not supposed to be done i think that i should help because i don't think its right that people try to help clean a city or even a street and someone comes along and does something to ruin the city.

My Responsibility is to listen to whats been told to me by an adult, to not be defiant. To do what's right,respect everyone else and treat them as i want to be treated

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How do relationships endure over time?

Relationships endure over time by believing in each other not giving up. Letting nothing come between you two. I think that relationship endure over time by talking things out,and being able to talk to people without being able to let some of your emotions get in the way because sometimes that can turn peoples head in other directions. I think you will have to put up with all the trails and tribulations because i think if you leave a relationship with someone because of some people may not like your mate i would think that you never wanted to be in that relationship in the first place you were just in that relationship just to say you have one. Endureing a relationship over time takes hard work just to make it work. You have to put in time and effort

Friday, May 1, 2009

Does it Takes Courage To Sustain A Relationship?

I personally think that i takes a lot of courage to sustain a relationship and it also take alot courage. Why? i feel this way because it takes courage to stay into a relationship vecause without coruage love and trust what would a relationship be. Personally i think that to have courage in the relationship you have to be able to trust one another,not get into it alot about petty stuff that dosnt matter,you should be able to talk about anything and feel comfetable about what you guys talk about and not hold any one back, and be patient about thing.

You have to do right by eachother and have guidelines and rules set, you have to have courage in that person to know that you can go somewhere and they wont have to worry about who you with because it wouldnt matter to them because they have trust in there relationship you guys have courage. What is courage to me? coruage is to be brave in a relationship.To sustain something is to keep up something. So do i thing you have to have courage in a sustained relationship. YES!

What is a Relationship?

To me a relationship is a interaction between something or people. Like when theres a girl or a boy and they are in a relationship and they love eachother they wont let anything come between them. Or like best friends when you've had a bestfriend for atleast 2 or 3 years i feel like theres this big chemistry between because there has to be something that you guys like about eachother to be good friends. A relationship to me is a connection between two people like when your in love with one another you have a chemistry and a good connection. A relationship is something like a alliance which is pact.

A relationship is something you have with some one like friends,husbands/wifes,girlfriends/boyfriends, family members, or like when your real close to someone wither its a good relationship or a bad one. A relationship is something everyone wants because everyone needs someone at some point in there life. When in a love relationship you have this tight kinship with yourmate.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thoughts On Somebody Should Have Told Him

My thoughts on the poem somebody should have told him are very strong because she did what her mother told her and that’s was to not drink. But because some one else decide to not be responsible she had to lose her life because of a drunk driver. She was on her way home thinking that she would get home the same way she got to the birthday party which was safe and not intoxicated. She felt as thou somebody should have taught him about drinking and driving. She was proud of herself. I was proud of her for not drinking and driving. But all because somebody else in another car decides to get intoxicated and drive she lost her life.She was probly a very intelligent young lady who was probably a straight a student and she probably had big dreams to but they are all gone.

When you hear something like this it makes you wonder what if that was you or a love one that was hit by a drunk driver. What would you do in a situation like that? One bad decision can mess up a person life or even kill a person.

When you hear something like this in the news it makes you feel bad. Why does it make you feel so bad? Maybe it could have happened to you or maybe you were in that type of situation before. If that was my friend who got really drunk if I’m not able to take this person home I’ll find a way to get that person home because its not fair to other families that there child,cousin,niece,nephew or something like that has to suffer or even be put in coma for a bad mistake a person made.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Romeo&Juliet 2

Suppose Romeo and Juliet had not acted so hastily getting married. What effect, if any,would that have had on the play?

i think if romeo and juliet would have never gotten married or even met anyone she would have ened up marrying paris brcause thats who her parents wanted her to marry.And i think that she would have been unhappy because she's being force to marry someone thats she dosnt love or have feelings for. Romeo would still be in his depression because he has no one to love or to be with. but eventually he would have found love.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Romeo Juliet 1

1. Could the same thing happen to two teenagers today? Explain why or why not.

Yes i think that the same thing can happen to teenagers now because some teenagers are truely in love with someone and sometimes their parent dosnt agree to whom theier dating and they get so wrapped in their feelings that they decide to kill themselves if they cant be with the one that they love. But it also happens if like your dating someone your parents dosnt like they will try to force you to be with some one else putting peer pressure on you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What could Hiram done differently when RC beat up Emmett?

What could hiram could have done differently when RC beat up Emmett?

I think that hiram could have helped Emmett RC beat emmett up. I feel as though if hiram and emmett were friends that he should have helped him regardless if he felt threatned or he was scared. If that was my friend i would have helped him because i dont think its right to witness anything and not say something because it makes you seem like you had something to do with it to. I feel as though hiram was scared of rc maybe because he was bigger. I think that RC did that on purpose i also think that he was very bad-tempered,malevolent. Hiram is Good person going to the trial for emmett.

hiram could have told someone like his grandpa. but his grandpa would have probly said that emmett got what he desearved or something like that. I dont think that it was fair that Rc did that to him because he was black.I dont anybody should be treated different because of their hair color,skin color,gender,or something in that sort. In this case RC was wrong because hiram and RC was doing nothing but Fishing.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Why Does Racism Exist

The reason why racism exsits because some people pick on other people about there skin color,how tall,or short,fat,skinny,there gender,there hair color what there haior looks like or they also insult you on you intellgence level and how smart you are.

The definition of race is that the belief that race accounts for differeances in human character or ability and that a particular is very supieror to others. Or you discrimination or prejudice on race. I think that means just what i said in the first paragaph. no matter where you go your always going to be talked about weather your black,white,blue,red it dosnt matter what color skin what color hair etc..

I think that racism it also exsits because people have insurcuities about themselevs so they talk about or hat on some one else to make themselves feel better.